This time last year we were completing the second week of our remote teaching and learning program, as COVID-19 took its toll.
At that time, I commented on the steep learning curves staff and students were navigating, and I asked teaching staff in the secondary school to consider what they had learned in the transition from the classroom to the remote teaching environment. They commented on our students’ adaptability and resilience, eagerness to learn, appetite for knowledge and, above all, their positivity when engaging with their learning journeys.
As we celebrate a far more traditional start to Term 2, when compared to last year, I note the qualities listed above are flourishing in our students. From Years 7-12, students are thriving in their classes, demonstrating a thirst for knowledge and understanding.
Moreover, the co-curricular successes we have witnessed in the past fortnight alone show that Hume’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education is being lived. Students have had success in cricket (making it to the state quarter finals), swimming (two students placing in the top four in the state finals), debating (winning 10 of 12 matches at the Galway competition), and cross-country (with five winners and many more place-getters at the recent Mickleham competition). What a joy to have these competitions available once again, with students having the opportunity to pursue their passions, develop their skills, and achieve considerable success.
I look forward to another fruitful and fulfilling term here at Hume.