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Secondary Wellbeing Programs

Throughout the year, the Wellbeing Program has the flexibility to adapt to current issues for students, particularly in times of celebration of achievements as well as dealing with tragedy. Below are just a few examples of the broad, diverse welllbeing programs provided to students here at Hume Anglican Grammar.

In Year 7 students are given specific information and guidance around the following areas;

  • Organisation/Goal Setting
  • Respectful relationships
  • Careers
  • Resilience
  • Persistence
  • Family life program
  • Global Citizens Program

In Year 8 students are given specific information and guidance around the following areas;

  • Respectful relationships
  • Personal strengths
  • Problem solving
  • Family life program
  • Planning and time management
  • Body esteem
  • Positive coping

In Year 9 students are given specific information and guidance around the following areas;

  • Goal Setting
  • Study Skills
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Careers Planning
  • Resilience
  • Life Skills
  • Developing positive relationships

In Year 10 students are given specific information and guidance around the following areas;

  • Respectful relationships
  • Subject selection and careers advice
  • Cyber safety
  • Goal setting and study habits
  • Mental Health and well being
  • Personal safety
  • Identity

In Year 11 students are given specific information and guidance around the following areas;

  • Respectful relationships
  • Subject selection and careers advice
  • Cyber safety
  • Goal setting and study habits
  • Mental Health and Well being
  • Road Safety
  • Examination preparation and understanding the VCE
  • Community service
  • A culture of appreciation

In Year 12 students are given specific information and guidance around the following areas;

  • Team work
  • Explanation VTAC and VCAA information
  • Leaving school and leaving home advice
  • Goal setting and study habits
  • Mental Health and well being – particularly managing stress and good time management skills

​​​​​​​Secondary Camping Program

The Year 7 camp program is designed for students to strengthen new friendships, build rapport with teachers and challenge themselves in an outdoor setting. Outdoor education is built upon at Year 8 camp with students having the opportunity for further active learning and social development beyond the classroom. Year 10 students attend a camp that is designed to introduce and develop leadership skills in the future leaders of the school. At the VCE Retreat Camp, Year 12 students are encouraged to set goals, manage stress and work collaboratively in preparation for their final year of schooling.

2024 Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Handbook​​​​​​​