Term 2 at Donnybrook
It was great to see the students back to start Term 2, excited to see their friends and teachers again. The Parent-Teacher Interviews gave teachers and parents valuable time to connect and discuss how the students are going both academically and from a wellbeing perspective.
Our Anzac Service was held on Thursday, 28 April. This was a chance for the students and staff to recognise and commemorate the contribution of all those who have served Australia in times of war and in war‑like conflicts. It was a time at which we reflected on the many different meanings of war. Major Braden Holmes was our special guest who read to us the story Anzac Biscuits by Phil Cummings and Owen Swan and spoke to us about his experience in the Australian Army.
Monday, 2 May saw students from Years 3 - 6 participate in our annual House Cross Country event, utilising our very own Donnybrook campus as the course track for the first time ever. Our ‘junior joggers’ were put through their paces, competing for their respective Houses with great pride. We are looking forward to our upcoming assembly in which the winning team will be revealed!
Over the break there were enhancements of further signage and bollards in the carpark to assist with safety and communication. It is great to see members of our community following the rules and keeping our students safe.
We look forward to the upcoming Mother’s Evening, Founders' Day Assembly and a great term of learning and explorations.