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COVID-19 Update

The Victorian Government announced yesterday that the current lockdown measures would be extended. This came as no great surprise, but unfortunately means that we will not see students onsite and undertaking their regular learning program again this term. Instead, we will continue delivering our remote teaching and learning program until Friday, 10 September when Term 3 concludes.

The School also continues to provide supervision for students onsite; namely the children of authorised workers and any vulnerable children.

We understand that all in our community are experiencing lockdown fatigue. Our VCE students are also carrying the weight of expectation as their end-of-year examinations loom. To that end, the Victorian Premier made two significant announcements in relation to VCE students:

  1. The General Achievement Test (GAT) will be undertaken on Tuesday, 5 October.
  2. Year 12 students and their teachers will have access to a priority vaccination program.
    • Bookings for this program open next Monday, 6 September.
    • To participate, a booking must be made; no walk-ins are accepted for the priority vaccination program.
    • I strongly encourage all Year 12 students to avail themselves of the Pfizer vaccination offered in the priority program, in line with government recommendations.

The current restrictions remain in place until 70 per cent of the population has had at least one vaccination dose (around 23 September), and we look forward to providing more information to you after that time, particularly with regards to Term 4 schooling. In the meantime, parent-teacher interviews are occurring next week for all students and their families and we hope that these discussions provide you with useful feedback on your child’s learning progress.

I hope you and your family enjoy some spring weather during the upcoming holiday period and wish you a safe and rejuvenating break.

Penelope Monger - Deputy Principal