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A Long-Anticipated Return to School

The good news is that all students, parents, and staff now have an indication as to when they can return to onsite classes. The date we are all eagerly anticipating is Friday, 5 November when all students, Prep – Year 6, are back onsite together. With students gradually returning to school, we are very aware of the need to follow all COVID safety measures to ensure our community remain safe. We are conscious that there is heightened anxiety in our community due to the high COVID numbers and it is for that reason, we remain particularly cautious, ensuring all protocols are in place and followed. A separate broadcast will be sent to all families prior to students returning onsite to outline drop off and pick up arrangements.

With the resumption of Remote Teaching and Learning after the holidays, I’m pleased to inform you that students have made a smooth start to Term 4. The last school term is historically extremely busy with many events and celebrations. This year will be no exception. Whilst incursions, excursions and camps are not permitted at this point, we remain hopeful that our Year 3 students can travel to Alexandra Adventure Resort. If restrictions prohibit this camp, then alternative options will be considered and communicated when finalised.

Despite all hurdles, our community remain strong and united. The messages of support and thanks that we continue to receive from parents and the wider community have been uplifting. Our staff are collegial and enthusiastic and always have the best interest of their students as their first and foremost priority. I would like to publicly acknowledge their dedication and professionalism.

We can’t wait to see our Prep students next Monday, 18 October. It is sure to be a wonderful day of celebration.

Best wishes.

Luke Friend - Assistant Principal - Primary (Mt Ridley)