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What's Happening at Hume?


Latest News

2023 sees over 420 new students join the Hume Anglican Grammar Community.

Sam Butterfield_Hume Anglican Grammar

Sam Butterfield joins Hume Anglican Grammar in 2023 as our new Director of Teaching of Learning…

The School Office at Hume Anglican Grammar will be closed from Monday, 19 December 2022 until…

2022 School DUX

Congratulations to our Class of 2022 on their outstanding VCE results - the best results so far…

The conclusion to Term 4 marks the end of another amazing, highlight-filled school year at Hume…

Stephen Cooper is a proud Hume Anglican Grammar parent to Madeleine (Year 1 – Kalkallo Campus)…

Primary students would experience a colourful end to Term 4 taking part in our Colour Fun Run…

Mark Jordan

Mark Jordan is a proud Hume Anglican Grammar parent of Eli, Marley & Aliyah (triplets) who…

In this edition of ‘Meet the Team’ we are speaking with Tamara Vasiliadis our Year 9…

‘Reflections’ is our new online profile series which speaks to Senior students at Hume…